・図書館の開館予定(「私はロボットではありません」が繰り返し表示される場合は、Webブラウザ Google Chrome(グーグルクローム) にてご利用ください。)
→ 本学の学生で、視覚障害等の理由で読書が難しい方は、国立国会図書館の「視覚障害者等用データ送信サービス」を利用することができます。
・平成国際大学の紀要等は 平成国際大学リポジトリ からも閲覧することができます。
※ 執筆者が非公開を希望した文献については本文を掲載いたしません。
・朝日新聞記事データベース 朝日新聞クロスサーチの使い方の動画が公開されました。
学 部 生:5冊/2週間
教 職 員:15冊/2カ月
日本語 | English
How do I search OPAC from the accelerator?
9. Other
* Only Internet Explorer 8 and 9 support this function.
Other browsers cannot use the accelerator function.
Select "Add to accelerator" from "Catalog Search" on the screen header.
Long-term loan
9. Other
Note that the borrowing period cannot be extended for graduates and people outside the university. To get an extension, visit the library before the return due date arrives, and follow the extension procedure.
Lost books
9. Other
In general, people who lose, damage, stain, or destroy library books are required to pay the replacement cost.
I want to borrow a book but forgot to bring my student card (library card).
9. Other
This policy prevents anyone impersonating you from borrowing books. Your understanding is appreciated.
What if I can't find a book that hasn't been loaned out or I can't find an issue of a serial in the library's collection?
9. Other
- Someone else in the library is using the book or serial.
- The book is in the new books area.
- The book is so large that it is placed on the bottom shelf.
- Library clerks are processing the returned book or serial.
- The book or serial is currently being bound.
- The previous user did not return the book or serial to its proper location.
User Service
Web-OPAC for the cellular phone can be used according to QR code here!!