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・朝日新聞記事データベース 朝日新聞クロスサーチの使い方の動画が公開されました。
学 部 生:5冊/2週間
教 職 員:15冊/2カ月
日本語 | English
What do I do when I want to extend the borrowing period of a loaned out book?
1. First, log in to OPAC.
2. "User Inquiry" appears after login. Click "Borrowing" there.
3. "Borrowing list" appears. Place a check mark beside each material you want to renew, and click [Renew].
In "Borrowing list," you can check the borrowing status: where (borrowing library), what (bibliography information), and when (Due Date).
4. Click [OK] in the pop-up.
5. The update is completed when the return date is extended.
If the update cannot be completed, the screen displays this fact and the reason for it.
From "Borrowing list", you can check the number of renewals by clicking "Bibliography information" for loaned out materials.
Note the following points concerning renewal.
- Renewed return dates are calculated based on the special online rules of each holding library.
- An online renewal is updated on the day that the update process is executed. Note that the borrowing period is not an added period from the due date.
- Renewal is not possible in the following cases:
- Materials for "holiday loan"
- Materials already reserved by another user
- Overdue materials and materials in a restricted borrowing period
- Where update may not be possible depending on the material type (textbooks, serials, etc.)
User Service
Web-OPAC for the cellular phone can be used according to QR code here!!