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・朝日新聞記事データベース 朝日新聞クロスサーチの使い方の動画が公開されました。
学 部 生:5冊/2週間
教 職 員:15冊/2カ月
日本語 | English
★What happens when materials become overdue or have borrowing restrictions?
Be sure to return all materials within their borrowing period.
- Cancellation of a borrowing restriction takes effect on OPAC at about 6:00 a.m. on the cancellation date.
If you are a user whose borrowing is restricted but you want to renew or reserve different materials currently checked out from the same library/room, do so after 6:00 a.m. on the borrowing restriction cancellation date. - Libraries/rooms have book drops. Any materials returned after hours to the book drop of a library are basically considered returned on the previous business day with the return processed on the next business day.
- Library/room use privileges may be suspended for long overdue accounts.
- Overdue materials and materials with penalties incurred at a library/room can be borrowed from another library/room. They can also be reserved and renewed from OPAC.
- Even if your account still had overdue materials and a borrowing restriction, you could apply from OPAC to copy a book (get a copy from another library) and borrow a book (back-order the actual book). You could also make a library purchase request (* Being prepared).
User Service
Web-OPAC for the cellular phone can be used according to QR code here!!