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→ 本学の学生で、視覚障害等の理由で読書が難しい方は、国立国会図書館の「視覚障害者等用データ送信サービス」を利用することができます。
・平成国際大学の紀要等は 平成国際大学リポジトリ からも閲覧することができます。
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1.学生証/職員証を持参・提示することにより、SALA 加盟館を訪問利用することができます。
日本語 | English
The pop-up blocker appears when I reserve or copy materials or apply for an inter-library loan.
* The screenshot is from Internet Explorer 9. The pop-up blocker appears in different locations depending on your browser and version. For details, see the help of the respective browser.
The pop-up screen is used for all applications from OPAC, such as for a reservation, ILL, or new arrival alert. Therefore, enable pop-ups by using the following method. (The descriptions apply to Internet Explorer 9.)
- Temporarily allowing the pop-up blocker
Click [Allow once] on the pop-up blocker notification bar.
(Depending on the browser version, select "Temporarily Allow Pop-ups.")
* However, with this method, if the browser is closed once, the pop-up blocker is enabled when the browser is started again. Consequently, the same work will need to be repeated to apply for a reservation or ILL in OPAC.
- Always allowing the pop-up blocker
Click "Always allow" from [Options for this site] on the pop-up blocker notification bar.
(Depending on the browser version, click the notification bar, and select "Always Allow Pop-ups from This Site.")
* Safari users are requested to go to Security in the browser settings menu to confirm that no check mark is entered in the "Block Pop-up Windows" check box.
* If you are a Google Chrome user, click here.
After enabling pop-ups as described above, repeat the procedure for your application from the beginning.