JAXA Repository

絵文字:矢印 右JAXA Repository website
You can search the following bibliography and/or full text of academic or technical documents, which publised by JAXA.


絵文字:矢印 右AIREX website
You can search the following bibliography and/or full text of academic or technical documents about aerospace, which publised by NASA and overseas and domestic aerospace-related organization that concluded agreement with JAXA.

Search for books, serials, etc. held by Japanese university libraries, etc
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JAXA Libraries

Our libraries are located in the following four centers and they are all open to the visitors. The libraries have the inter-library information system so that each library can search and borrow resources that it does not own from one another.

Chofu Aerospace Center Library (Chofu Library) 

This is a special library dedicated to aerospace, located within the Chofu Aerospace Center. The library can be used by anyone, and contains a collection of NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), AIAA (The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) affiliated technical reports (140,000 volumes), related academic journals (approx. 1,633), and books,
proceedings and specifications. (28,000 volumes) etc.

Tsukuba Library
Our Tsukuba library in Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC) collects a wide variety of resources but puts its main focus on collecting technical reports published by oversea organizations including NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), AIAA(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics).
The collection of Tsukuba library also includes a wide variety of documents, specialized and general books, standards, core journals in aerospace engineering as well as science and engineering field.

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Library (ISAS Library)
The ISAS Library holds academic materials mainly consisting of foreign journals in the space and astronautical sciences and related fields.
Continuing the tradition as an inter-university research institute, the ISAS Library contributes to academic research in Japan by presenting academic research findings in public and by promoting the exploitation and sharing of academic information resources.The ISAS Library also functions as the basis of academic information of ISAS graduate education, and serves as the basic institute library for The Graduate University for Advanced Studies.

Kakuda Library
Kakuda library in Kakuda Space Center (KSPC) specializes in space propulsions. This library collects books and reports (e.g. AIAA, JAXA, NASA) on liquid rocket propulsions, high-speed air breathing propulsions and hypersonic systems. It also covers science and engineering books, written standards, journals mainly in aerospace engineering field.