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Information for Library Visitors
User's Qualification
Visitors are welcome to use Chofu library to browse the materials and
the data that belong to Chofu library for research or investigation.
Please inform us the detail of your purpose and the date of the visit in advance.


Available Day & Hours
Monday - Friday 9:30 - 17:45
(Except Public Holidays and from 28th, Dec. to 4th, Jan.)
*Library may also be closed for some events.


Available Service
・Read and browse only in the library.
Visitors are not allowed to take materials out on loan.
Please don't take photographs inside the library.
・Photocopy : JP \35 per a sheet. (black and white only)
Please ask the librarian at the counter if you want to use the services.


Access to Chofu Aerospace Center Library (Chofu Library)
⇒to JAXA's Homepage

Contact Information(TEL):0422-40-3938(e-mail)lib.chofu*ml.jaxa.jp (Please change [*] to [@]) 

JAXA Library