What is [Reserve Book] in the catalog search menu under the keyword input box on the [Bib Search] tab?
Reserve Book enables you to view a list of syllabuses, instructor-specified textbooks, reference books, etc.
You can change the display target from the pull-down menu.
What are the reviews displayed on the review list screen?
By clicking the RSS icon, you can check newly registered reviews in the RSS reader you normally use.
You can register a review from the bibliography details screen.
What are the tags displayed on the tag search screen?
You can search for a tag on the tag search screen to display a list of materials that have this tag.
Suppose you add a tag such as the following: "_____ seminar reference book" or "A must read for _____ class." Then, after a tag search, anyone can bring up the same list of materials.
For example, try clicking a tag in "New tags," "Recent tags," or "Popular tags." Then, materials that have these tags are displayed.
You can register tags on the search result list screen and the bibliography details screen.
What should I do if I want to search reviews and tags?
- See " New Tags" and " New Reviews" on the top page.
- Select "Review List" or "Search Tags" under the search bar on the [Bib Search] tab.
- In [Basic Search] on the [Bib Search] tab, enter a check mark for "Contains review and tag."
- In [Advanced Search] on the [Bib Search] tab, select "Review" or "Tag" from the pull-down menu and search the materials.
(In contrast to the basic search, you can perform a search with multiple conditions.) - Select "Review List" or "Search Tags" from the catalog search menu.
How do I return to the original search result list after a refined search from the left menu on the search result list display screen?
In the example, the material type is limited to "books."
Cancel the search conditions for this holding library. Then, to return to the original search result list, click the red x button in the blank area under "Selecting conditions."
Even if you have performed multiple refined searches, you can cancel any narrow-down search condition by using the above method, regardless of the order of the searches.
Suppose that you perform a refined search of a holding library, select a bibliography on the bibliography search result list screen, and then move to the bibliography details screen. Even after that, you can still cancel the refined search of the holding library and perform a refined search of another library.
★I want to copy library materials. Does the library have any photocopiers inside?
9. Other
Ask about it at the counter.
How do I search OPAC from the accelerator?
9. Other
* Only Internet Explorer 8 and 9 support this function.
Other browsers cannot use the accelerator function.
Select "Add to accelerator" from "Catalog Search" on the screen header.
Lost books
9. Other
In general, people who lose, damage, stain, or destroy library books are required to pay the replacement cost.
I want to borrow a book but forgot to bring my student card (library card).
9. Other
This policy prevents anyone impersonating you from borrowing books. Your understanding is appreciated.
What if I can't find a book that hasn't been loaned out or I can't find an issue of a serial in the library's collection?
9. Other
- Someone else in the library is using the book or serial.
- The book is in the new books area.
- The book is so large that it is placed on the bottom shelf.
- Library clerks are processing the returned book or serial.
- The book or serial is currently being bound.
- The previous user did not return the book or serial to its proper location.